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Digging Deeper

You'll find 2 resources for each week of Alpha. The Alpha Guest Guide is a PDF file of the manual you'll receive during the 1st week. The Questions of Life e-book contains extended, in-depth reading for each weekly topic. Questions of Life (pdf file) is the original book that Nicky Gumble wrote to address the questions covered in Alpha, and the Guest Guide is just a lighter, condensed version of that.
Week 8: How Can I Make the Most of the Rest of My Life?

During the 7th week of Alpha we take time to answer questions on the topic of the Holy Spirit during a fun weekend experience.


*due to the constraint of keeping Alpha to a maximum of 10 weeks, the following 2 topics are NOT covered during our time together. However, their importance is of great value, so we are providing you access to the information they address.