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Linda Armaly

Executive Pastor
519-948-7055 Ext 219 
Linda joined the Parkwood team as Executive and Women's Life Pastor in March 2021. She felt the call to ministry at a young age and attended Eastern Pentecostal Bible College. After graduation, Linda returned to her home church and ministered as an Associate Pastor for ten years. She pursued further education at the University of Windsor (B.A. Psych., B. Ed.) and St. Clair College (Chemical Dependency Counselling Certificate) and then began working in the addiction field at Windsor Life Centre where she served in various roles and, ultimately, as Executive Director until 2020. As a bona fide extrovert, Linda has always had a passion for helping and encouraging people toward health and wholeness. Linda and her husband, Tim, have three children, Matthew, Benjamin, and Ava. Her favourite pastimes include reading, music, and having long conversations in grocery store aisles.