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Our Global Workers

You can join with others in helping people find hope beyond our borders.
Support our global workers by finding out more about them, praying for them, sending them encouragement or by financial giving.

Bill & Shirley Pipke

Location: Africa & Middle East
Ministry Focus: Bill and Shirley are global workers based out of Canada. They believe in equipping the local Canadian church to partner with leaders and church planters at home and around the world.  (Currently working in Cuba, Ukraine, Indonesia, Africa and China)

Brent & Carina Cantelon

Location: Worldwide
Ministry Focus: For a number of years Carina and I have felt a stirring in our hearts. It is a sense of calling to a task we were willing to accept and yet uncertain as to how it would come about and when it would be asked of us. This burden is defined by an inescapable passion for evangelism and revival in our beloved Canada, as well as a desire to minister, strengthen and pour into global missions leaders and works. 

Dan & Mardell MacTavish

Location: Romania, Eurasia
Ministry Focus: Dan and Mardell are associate consulting pastors of the Bucharest International Church. This multi-cultural church community offers a relevant dynamic for Romania’s current generation and provides a setting for evangelism, discipleship and leadership development, both locally and nationally. Dan and Mardell bring awareness to the very real problem of human trafficking in Romania, bringing encouragement to Iana Matei and her son, Stefan, of Reaching Out Romania, in their efforts to bring an end to human trafficking, to provide shelter and restoration to the young victims, and to create financial sustainability. In Spain, Dan and Mardell come alongside the pastors and national leaders of the Salem group of churches in the development of their ministries. 

Marie-José Mann

Location: Mission GlobalEd
Ministry Focus: Marie-José has accepted a position with GlobalEd effective November 1, 2023. She will serve in the GlobalEd department by bringing her years of experience and service to facilitating the equipping program for our new Global Worker candidates. Her passion for God and His mission, her interpersonal skills, her prayerfulness, and her experience as a Global Worker are essential qualities that she brings to this role. We are delighted she will be on our team. As Director, I will be taking over responsibility for the Quest leadership program. I am committed to ensuring that this program continues to bless the world through the equipping of godly leaders marked by integrity, who are committed to serve God and others as they lead transformative change.

Christo & Sarah Emmanuel

Location: Asia
Ministry Focus: We are church planters in a booming Southeast Asian city. Our current church was born with a vision to see lives completely transformed. The people of our city are mostly unreached, and many are economically disadvantaged. Even though most people in this region have never heard the gospel before, the church has grown to serve more than 1,000 members. We have seen countless numbers of people give their lives to Jesus, entire communities touched, and many new disciples grow into leaders.

The Holy Spirit is moving in a special way here, and we believe that the church will impact the city for generations to come.

Our approach to the unreached and vulnerable is to present a holistic gospel that goes beyond the church walls! The church has established a centre that provides for people in need and serves the community with outreach programs. We also plant churches in outlying regions, and we reach people through a fruitful and far-reaching television and internet evangelism program. In addition, the church has become a focal point for training leaders for church planting in the region.

Kathy Mizen

Location: Honduras
Ministry Focus: Kathy is excited to be working as the Director of Schools of Hope. She oversees ChildCARE Plus sponsorships, ERDO Nutrition Program and Water Projects, as well as other administrative duties. Schools of Hope ministers through evangelism within the public school system of Honduras to over 8,500 children, sharing the hope of Jesus Christ. 

Linda Veldhuizen

Location: The Philippines
Ministry Focus: Linda is the Director of Noah's Ark Ministries, located in Banaue, Ifugao, Philippines. She has been in the Philippines for the past 30 years and has an adopted son and daughter. 

Mark & Kim Steinfield

Location: Spain
Ministry Focus: Mark is partnering with  Salem leadership to establish a Bible School in Madrid and Kim is engaged with family ministries in the church. In addition to their ministry in Spain, Mark and Kim both serve on the Eurasia Region’s lead team. Mark overseas education initiatives in the region and Kim provides member care  to the region's global workers. They have three energetic children: Alyssa, Madeleine, and Caleb. 

Mark & Val Hazzard

Location: Latin America and the Caribbean
Ministry Focus: Mark has recently been appointed as the Regional Director for the Latin America/Caribbean Region. Mark and Val count it an honour to serve the global workers in this region, to connect with national partners, and to serve the PAOC’s global vision to reach, plant, equip and care. We presently have global workers in 15 countries and plan to expand our missions reach wherever needed. 

Iana Matei

Location: Romania
Ministry Focus: Reaching out Romania, with director Iana Matei, seeks to rescue and rehabilitate trafficked girls. Based just outside Bucharest, Romania, Iana has helped rehabilitate over 460 victims of trafficking. Here, the girls receive medical attention, psychological assistance, schooling, professional training, and the gospel for the ultimate purposes of reintegration into society.

Nelly Latchman

Location: University of Windsor Campus
Ministry Focus:  Nelly is a Mission Canada Campus Worker at the University of Windsor. Her heart is for young adults entering into the world of post-secondary education. Nelly grew up in the church and when called to ministry, she wanted to ensure that her calling was real and would be one that would last.  She wanted something “different" and asked God to give her a burden for something she hadn't noticed before and to take her outside of the walls of the church. As Nelly was getting closer to going off to university at Tyndale in Toronto to pursue her call without having all of the details, God opened her eyes and broke her heart for those who were her peers. She began noticing the drastic drift of her friends from church who had not only wandered away from faith but made life changing decisions during the transition between high school and post-secondary. This burdened her heart and straightened the focus of her call.

Global Worker:  Restricted Access Nation (RAN), Asia

Although we are still free to share the gospel in many parts of the world, there are places where spreading the gospel is illegal.  There still remains close to 7,000 people groups in the world with less than 2% of evangelical Christians.  We are supporting RAN Global Workers.
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