W E   L O V E   W I N D S O R

A U G U S T   C H A L L E N G E

We Truly Love Windsor!

We're committed to not just talking the talk, but also walking the walk and living out the implications of the gospel: loving our neighbour, acting with compassion, serving, speaking kindly and with encouragement, giving a cup of water in Jesus' name. God has entrusted each of us with the assignment of being a catalyst. How will you respond?

A U G U S T   C H A L L E N G E

Backpacks for Begley

We’re helping supply backpacks with supplies for Begley Public School this month. 71% of students at Begley live in lower income households, and 53% do not have English as their first language. You can make a difference!

How To Prepare a Backpack

See the school supply list below, download a PDF of the list here, get a list from the Info Desk on Sundays, or scan the QR code on the blue boxes or in the front lobby.
Choose from 3 grade level categories: Primary, Junior and Intermediate
Buy the backpacks and then whatever supplies for that grade level you can donate.
Drop your backpack off in one the blue boxes at the entrances, along with an accompanying note of which grade level it’s for (Primary, Junior or Intermediate).
If you would like to give towards the purchasing of school supplies, just designate on your tithing envelopes or online to We Love Windsor School Supplies.
If you would like to volunteer this fall to help provide breakfast through our Begley Breakfast Team, click the button below.